Barion Pixel

1053, Budapest Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16. PART Studio in the courtyard. Open: M to F: 11-19, Sa: 10-14.

1053, Budapest Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16. PART Studio in the courtyard.
Open: M-D: 11-19, Sa: 10-14.

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About me

Hello! I am Judit Wild, alias Vadjutka

I am a jewelry designer: owner of the Vadjutka Design Jewelry brand. If you wonder what does Vadjutka stand for: it is my nickname.

I have been designing and making jewelry for over 20 years now, but I started my professional life quite differently. I have a degree in journalism and sociology, and I worked in these fields for several years until my passion for making jewelry as a high school student resurfaced in 2002. At that time, I was still making fashion jewelry as a hobby, but in 2011, the already 4-year-old Vadjutka brand evolved from a hobby to much more: I became a full-time jewelry designer. Over time, the jewelry became more serious: I obtained a degree in goldsmithing and further honed my skills under the guidance of goldsmith artisan Katalin Jermakov.

I enjoy the fact that my style cannot be described by a single category. I like both minimalistic and extravagant, exciting shapes, colors, and elegant beads. I also stay true to my previous occupation in storytelling, which is just as suitable for jewelry as it is for paper and pen.


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