Barion Pixel

1053, Budapest Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16. PART Studio az udvarban. Nyitva: H-P: 11:00-19:00, Szo: 10-14.

1053, Budapest Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16. PART Studio az udvarban
Nyitva: H-P: 11:00-19:00, Szo: 10-14.

Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek

This week I am going to make lots and lots of poppies, because I got an order from a shop for poppy neckalces and rings. But this time I am prepared: I have at least 50 poppies waiting for their fate in a basket. Also, this week I am going to have time to go […]

Monday Plans (on Tuesday) / Hétfői tervek (kedden)

My inspiration board for the Rebuttoned – Hungarian is fashionable contest Az inspirációs gyűjtésem a Gombold újra – divat a magyar pályázatra I have several tasks for this week. First of all: I am going to make my submission to the Rebuttoned – Hungarian is fashionable  contest. I submitted my plans and inspiration board (see […]

Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek

(via: I want to redesign my jewelry packaging, and I have been thinking about it for ages now (well, it seems ages for me). I have a lot of aspects: it should be branded, it should be lightweight, it should not be fragile, and it also should be reusable for the new owner, because […]