On my desk / Az asztalomon
Today I have some leather scraps on my desk: I have absolutely new designs in my mind (again). I don’t know what happened: a variety of new ideas keep coming. We’ll see if they stay for long at all. *** Az asztalomon ma bőr-darabkák vannak: teljesen új ötletek keringenek a fejemben (megint). Nem tudom mi […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon
Remember my desk 3 weeks ago? You were guessing about the new type of jewelry I was making… Emlékeztek az asztalomra három héttel ezelőttről? Arról az új típusú ékszerről folyt a találgatás, amit épp csináltam… Most of you were right: I was making something bridal as a gift for someone. The choker necklace was inspired […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon..
Look what I just bought: yummie new fabrics! I went into a fabrics shop just for „one minute” and spent there 45 minutes and spent a fortune. *** Nézzétek mit vettem: gyönyörű új anyagokat! Bementem egy textil boltba „csak egy percre” és 45 percet töltöttem ott és otthagytam egy kisebb vagyont. Check out other desks […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon…
On my desk I have lace. I just bought them, and they gave me absolutely new design ideas for fall. I will show them as soon as I get the other type of material I have plans with. *** Az asztalomon csipke van most. Most vettem őket és remek ötleteket adtak az őszi, teljesen új […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon
You see this felted heart? I made it in Amsterdam, during the quick workshop of Kim from viltalakim. At first, I did not want to felt at all, but the others were so enthuisiastic, that I gave in. At first my felted heart looked like a wet disaster, and it did not want to take […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon
I have neglected my vintage buttons and faceted glasses lately, so it is about time to look into my vintage supplies box! *** Kicsit elhanyagoltam mostanában a régi gombjaimat és csiszolt üvegeimet, úgyhogy épp ideje picit turkálni a régi kacatos dobozomban! Check out other desks on kootoyoo’s blog! Nézegessétek mások asztalait kootoyoo blogján!
On my desk: a name game / Az asztalomon: egy névjáték
Yesterday I had an idea for a new necklace series called „The Baroness”. So today I collected everything in one pile, and started to make the first few pieces. I have the first four Baronesses, but I dont know how to name them. A Baroness has to have a name, don’t you think? Can you […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon
I have totally run out of my Pseudo Cameo rings and necklaces, so it is time for the Pseudo Cameo factory. As you see: half of them are half-ready, and the other half is waiting for the sewing needle. *** Teljesen kifogytam a Pszeudo Cameo gyűrűkből és nyakláncokból, úgyhogy itt az ideje a gyártásnak. Amint […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon
What do you think it is? No, it is not a doodle. It is my new craft fair display system. I have been using my display for a year now, and I feel I need an upgrade. This is only a sketch, but hopefully it will be reality soon! Also, I just bumped into this […]
On my desk / Az asztalomon
Do you remember when I was talking about a virtual travel to the Art Star Craft Bazaar? Alex from Hello Bluebird asked me to make collections in 4 different color schemes. I was working like crazy with it, because I had to ship it quickly, and I think I am happy with the outcome. Emlékeztek […]