Barion Pixel

1053, Budapest Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16. PART Studio az udvarban. Nyitva: H-P: 11:00-19:00, Szo: 10-14.

1053, Budapest Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16. PART Studio az udvarban
Nyitva: H-P: 11:00-19:00, Szo: 10-14.

Song of the month / Havi dal

Thanks to Design Sponge’s detailed guide to Tel Aviv, I have found a link to Nachalat Binjamin, a street market for handmade goods. I was there in 1993, and that was my first meeting with handmade stuff, and I was in extasy: fortunately I was 18 then, and did not have money to spend :-). […]

Song of the month / Havi dal

Tegnap óta Regina Spektort hallgatok (köszi fleur!) /I keep listening to Regina Spektor since yesterday (thanks fleur!) update: most már tudom a szöveg és a dallam nagy részét; szegény szomszédok / now I know most of the lyrics and the song; poor neighbours ***** Napok romjai / Remains of the DayMilyen volt a nap, ha […]