Új utak: üzleti fejlődés / New paths: getting business education
forrás / source Scroll down for the English text. Sosem tanultam közgázt, vagy üzleti menedzselési dolgokat. Pontosabban az egyetemen voltak ilyen óráim, de huszonévesen egyáltalán nem érdekeltek az üzleti / közgáz tárgyak, azért csak elvétve jártam be ezekre az órákra, és igen: puskáztam ezeken a vizsgákon. Tavaly nyáron 180 fokot változott az életem, amikor úgy […]
Hétfői tervek / Monday Plans
kép / pic: Hidden In France For this week I have only one plan: to make plans. Plans about how to reorganize my jewelry making business. It may seem easy for some, but a huge task for me – so I might need a little help. *** Erre a hétre csak egy dolgot terveztem: a […]
Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek
pic / kép: Joan Canyelles Finally I made up my mind and decided to jump into the unknown, into totally restructuring my life: I am going to start my little studio-shop in my aunt’s shop. This means that for this week I have thousands of tasks: organizing the painting of the studio, the furniture, and […]
Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek
pic / kép via designsponge The „how to go on with my life” thinking-planning series got a new twist. My aunt has a small second hand shop in the center of Budapest and she offerd me the shop’s gallery (2nd floor) to rent it out. Undoubtedly it is a great opportunity to make my own […]
Monday Plans (on Tuesday): at crossroads / Hétfői tervek (kedden): kereszteződésnél
(pic / kép: Antonia Quest Photography ) For this week I only have one task: to think about how to go on with my jewelry making business. In the last few days, weeks my life turned upside down, and here I am: standing at a crossroads (again). I see two strategies in front of me. […]
Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek
I made this pendant – Butterfly on Bubbles – a few weeks ago in the silversmithing school, and I finished it last week – this is why it is here. It has nothing to do with my plans for the week, but I am proud that I finished it. For this week I am going […]
Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek
Step by step I am finishing the orders from shops: maybe this week I will finish everything? That would be great! After finishing all orders, I plan to move on with my Old and New series: I have some vintage belt buckles that would make great pendants. I really do hope I will have time […]
Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek
kép / pic: bomobob I am still really behind myself: I am still making the orders for shops. But what I would really like to do is to design new necklaces. I have a few plans so far, so I do hope I will find time soon. Though I have a LOT to do, I […]
Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek
Last week I met a very inspiring shop owner: she ordered some jewelry from me. She is very inspiring in a way that makes me want to create new designs for her, but to fulfill this I have to go back to my old designs and renew them. Isn’t this exciting, to make something new […]
Monday Plans / Hétfői tervek
This week I am going to do something I have never done: I am organizing a guerilla-knitting with my design website, Design Bazar. The idea came in a crazy second and so far more than 40 people joined on Facebook. The problem is, that neither can I knit or crochet, so I am going to […]